The August 2019 BOD Meeting Agenda has been posted. You can view it on the Agendas section of your website, or by following this link.


A reminder to residents that right of ways run throughout our community and are granted to Windsor Parke POA for its exclusive right. The “Right of Ways” generally extend 40’ from the center of our roads extending onto individual property lines.

Individuals planting, adding fencing or anything else in these areas should not do so without the approval of the WP POA.  If you intend to add such improvements, it is recommended you confirm with the WP POA that it would not encumber the right away. It is also recommended to consult with your association and confirm that you are in compliance with your associations Architectural Review Guidelines.



A group has been assembled to oppose the rezoning of the corner of Hodges and Butler Blvd. at Glen Kernan Pkwy under Ordinance # 2019-317. You can help in many ways, whether it is emailing council members and committees, contributing your time to inform our community or donating funds to help us offset the cost of printing and hopefully hiring an attorney or professionals to help our efforts. They have two easy ways to donate: either by secure credit card at our GoFundMe page or cash by contacting the email below to arrange for pickup. The link to their GoFundMe page is .

They are also on Facebook – under a closed group – so you need to request access at  .

For additional information you can use the group’s email address


We are looking to increase awareness of Windsor Parke POA activities. We are asking that individual associations create awareness to members of your association of the WP website and ask residents to subscribe for updates by registering for them at

Thank you,

Windsor Parke POA