Dear Windsor Parke Community,

I have notified the board that I am stepping down effective this Friday. The pandemic has changed my employment situation allowing me to work remotely and not needing a base in Jacksonville. My wife and I decided to take advantage of a favorable real estate market selling our condominium.  

WP is a great community. I fell in love with it online before ever moving to Jacksonville and I was destined to purchase in the community. I have been happy to serve on this board for the last 5 years and as the president over the last several years.  

The Windsor Parke POA needs the support and involvement of the community. Attendance in our open board meetings generally only brings a handful of residents. Volunteers for committees or willingness to serve on the board or when there is a call to action is generally nonexistent.    

The board members representing the association are not paid but volunteer as they care for the direction of this community. They give up significant amounts of their personal time to serve this community. 

If you want to keep the appeal and charm of Windsor Parke please get involved, take an interest in the direction of this community.


Robert Kenneley

President Windsor Parke POA through 12/10/21