POA Help Page


Windsor Parke Mail Chimp Account information (available only in PDF)


To add a new agenda:

  1. Log in to Windsor Parke through board secure area or:
  2. Navigate to “Windsor Parke” in the gray bar at the top left of your screen and choose “Dashboard”
  3. Navigate to “Posts,” then “Add New”
  4. Enter your title in designated area – default is Year Month Agenda (e.g. 2018 January Agenda)
  5. Choose “Add Media”
  6. A new window will open where you can choose to upload a new document to the media library – choose “Upload Files” from left-hand tab. PDF is the preferred file type for uploading documents.
  7. After file has uploaded choose “Insert into post” from lower right-hand side of window.
  8. Document will be inserted into the post. The default link is the file name, you can change this just by typing over it. [Current format for agendas is Year Month Agenda (ie: 2018 March Agenda).] Be sure you do not delete the link when you type over it, or you will have to insert the item again from the “Add Media” button above the content editing window (this time, go you can simply choose your document from the Media Library since you have already uploaded it – no need to upload it again)
  9. BE SURE to select the GENERAL category from sidebar on right, then choose the appropriate year and Agenda categories, or add new category if needed. You must select the “General” category or the email notification will not send.
  10. Click Publish.


Board Secure Area Documents (for viewing on Board Secure Page on web site)

  1. Follow instructions 1 and 2 above under AGENDAS
  2. Navigate to “Board Documents” then “Add New”
  3. Fill in title where directed
  4. Enter any text content you wish, if needed
  5. Upload your document per the instructions 3-6 in Agendas above
  6. Choose the category you wish to add the post to, or create a new category from the right-hand column labeled “Categories” – be sure to create your new category as a child item of Secure Board Documents (and be sure to check “Secure Board Documents” so your post is added to that category) to insure the document remains behind the log in secure section. (Post categories are separate from Board Document categories)
  7. Click “Publish”
  8. Please Note: All documents in this area default to “Secure” as long as you follow step 5 above – there is no need to choose the option from the checkbox at the right.

Please Note: All uploaded documents/PDFs/image files will be viewable in the Media Library, no matter where or how they are placed on the website.

Windsor Document and Agenda posting instructions – Click link to download these instructions in PDF format.


To search the media library, where all uploaded files are kept, go to “Dashboard,” “Media Files,”  “Library” and there is a search bar in the upper right corner.

This search option is available throughout the back end of the website, you can search Documents, Blog Posts, etc. in this same manner.

There is also a search function on the Board Secure Page on the front end of the site.  It will search the entire site for the keywords you enter.

Webmaster (Kelli) can be reached via email at graphixchix@gmail.com.

Thank you!