Community News
Current News:
2024 Board Meeting Dates
Board Meetings are held at the Holiday Inn at 6:30 p.m. The meeting schedule for 2024 is: January 16 March 19 May 21 August 20 October 15 (Budget Meeting) November 12 (Annual Meeting) For more information, visit the Board section of our website. Thank...
November Board Meeting Date Change
The November Board Meeting originally scheduled for Nov. 1 has been moved to Nov. 16. Thank you, Windsor POA
Board Meeting Change
The August 15 Board Meeting has been moved to August 8. Thank you.
Spring Yard Sale
No spring community sponsored yard sale, but you’re welcome to hold one individually. There will be an October date forthcoming for the fall. Sincerely, Sharleen Thompson-Messinese
2023 Board Meeting dates posted
The Board Meeting dates for 2023 have been posted. You may view the dates on that section of the website. Thank you.
JEA Construction in the Area
Please download the PDF from our website to learn more. Thank you. JEA Construction.pdfDownload
Meeting Notice
ORG / Exc Meeting 1/12/2022 at 4PM
POA Board President Steps Down
Dear Windsor Parke Community, I have notified the board that I am stepping down effective this Friday. The pandemic has changed my employment situation allowing me to work remotely and not needing a base in Jacksonville. My wife and I decided to take advantage of a...
2022 Board Meeting Schedule Posted
The 2022 Board Meeting Schedule has been posted to our Board Meetings page. The meeting schedule for 2022 is: January 18March 15May 17August 16October 18 (2023 Budget Approval Meeting)November 1 (Annual Meeting)
Last Chance to Stop 260 Apartments Coming to Windsor Parke
The Planning Commission has approved the rezoning proposal to ALLOW the apartments to be developed. LUZ Committee deferred a vote on the rezoning of the Steinmann’s property to the Aug 3rd Meeting. YOUR VOICE NEEDS TO BE HEARD!! What Can You Do? Attend Rezoning...
News Archive (2017 and previous):
Control of Southern Pine Beetles
Posted 11/20/17
Read more at this link:
Open Creek Preliminary Plan:
Posted 11/14/17
Windsor Parke – Phase 1 (6-14-16) L-5 (11×17) (1)
Windsor Parke – Phase 1 (6-14-16) L-4 (11×17) (1)
Windsor Parke – Phase 1 (6-14-16) L-3 (11×17) (1)
Windsor Parke – Phase 1 (6-14-16) L-2 (11×17) (1)
Aquatics Service Report:
Posted 03/15/2016, Updated 12/06/17
Aquatics Service Report (11/03/17)
Aquatics Service Report (08/10/17)
Aquatics Service Report (05/26/17)
Aquatics Service Report (01/24/17)
Aquatics Service Report (03/15/16)
Legal Judgement that Condominiums are Subject to the POA and its Declaration
Posted 10/30/17
Additional Response to Annual Assessment of the Grand Reserve Condominium Units (2016)
Annual Assessment of the Grand Reserve Condominium Units
Lake Status:
Service Report Windsor Park May 23, 2016
Service Report Windsor Park September 15, 2015
Halfway Housing In Windsor Parke
Terrance Freeman, Executive Council Assistant District 3, in his presentation at the Windsor Parke Property Owners Annual Meeting November 15, 2016, made a statement concerning Halfway Housing. After doing an exhaustive search on the Internet, I was unable to find any reference to a Halfway House within or close to Windsor Parke. The following is the response that I received from Mr. Freeman:
“The location of the homes I was referring to are actually in the Indian Springs community. I am currently working to see if I can identify others within District 3. To date I have not been successful.
I was trying to give a general overview of the district in my report. I hope I did not confuse or concern too many.”
Councilman Aaron L. Bowman – District 3
117 W. Duval Street | Jacksonville FL 32202
Phone 904.630.1031 | Fax 904.630.2906 |
District 3 Contact Information
Posted 11/16/16
Should you have questions or concerns regarding the interaction of Duval County with Windsor Parke and the surrounding area, please direct them to the following individuals. Additional information regarding the City of Jacksonville can be found at
The following individuals represent District 3, Southeast Duval County:
Aaron L. Bowman
Office of the City Council
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 630-1386
FAX: (904) 630-2906
Assistant: Terrance Freeman
Aaron Bowman is the Senior Vice President of Business Development for the JAXUSA Partnership where he leads the business recruitment and expansion efforts for the Northeast Florida Regional Economic Development team.
Refer to the following for additional information regarding Mr. Bowman and his duties:
Terrance Freeman
Executive Council Assistant to Aaron Bowman
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 630-1031
FAX: (904) 630-2906
Storm Report from Jacksonville
Posted 11/12/16
- City Council supported the Mayor in declaring a state of emergency and expending funds without the normal procurement process.
- We expect that the cleanup from the hurricane may exceed $100M. We have an established minimum contingency of $50M in our budget although I believe now it has somewhere around $55M for emergencies so we are spending money that we do not have but we do expect FEMA assistance.
- The debris cleanup in the city may reach 1 million cubic yards. To date we have collected over one half of that amount. That equates to about 14 million wheelbarrow loads to give you an appreciation for the magnitude of debris.
- We established 10 city owned recovery areas throughout the city to collect debris from the cleanup effort. Most of those areas are parks. At those areas, trucks are delivering material where it is shredded, burned, or transported to the landfill.
- We estimated that it would take up to 30 days to cover the entire city. It appears we will meet that estimate but the cleanup effort has gone slower than estimated due to the amount of debris compounded by the fact that many tree cutting services have left debris at the residence instead of disposing in direct violation of city ordinances. We are not currently holding home owners responsible for disposal of material if they contracted with a tree service and that service did not dispose of the material.
- After the first pass to each property in Jacksonville, we will then make a second pass to get residual material that was not ready for the first pass.
- We have three waste collection companies providing service to Jacksonville: Republic, Waste Pro, and Advanced Disposal. Those companies are continuing their normal trash collection and debris collection. They do not have capacity to pick up the storm debris. That is being done by Coxwell who was on contract with the city to collect debris in case of a major issue like we experienced. They were working the day after the storm to prep the collection areas and sign on sub-contractors. Coxwell has contracted as much assistance as possible to perform and accelerate cleanup. Unfortunately Jacksonville is one of many areas that need debris cleanup so we have been competing up and down the eastern seaboard for outside of area crew, trucks, and heavy equipment.
So frankly, I am very pleased with the cleanup efforts but I can understand frustration that yours is one of the neighborhoods that has yet to be serviced.
Dredging Project Update
Posted 08/26/16
The main topic of discussion at the August 16, Windsor Parke Property Owners and Board of Directors meeting centered on the financing of the Lake #3 dredging project. Lake #3 runs from Sutton Park Drive South (Burger King) to Sutton Park Drive North (golf course pump house).
The Board of Directors voted to contract Taylor Engineering, Inc. as an independent project manager to represent the Board over the course of dredging operation by C&M Dredging. Information on Taylor is available at: Information on C&M Dredging can be found at:
A total of 12,500 cubic yards of material is to be removed, dewatered and hauled to a disposal site for a cost of $436,768. This price includes both Taylor Engineering and C&M Dredging proposals. The board voted to finance the entire project from current operating capital and reserves. The start date is (approximately) October 1.
Community Update
Posted: 07/2/16
Thank you for all your responses to the POA Special Assessment Questionnaire regarding the cost of the dredging project. The Windsor Board of Directors will discuss funding options at their August 16th meeting, at the Holiday Inn Express, Windsor Commons, 6:30 p.m. We would like to see more community members attend and become involved.
The contractors repairing the culvert system on Richmond Park Drive hopes to have paving completed by Friday, July 29 and to open the road by Wednesday, August 3rd. We will keep you advised.
Due to the lack of rain and the low water level, vegetation and bacteria growth have greatly increased in the lakes. The lake treatment company has been notified and has begun treatment. Overall condition of the lakes will improve over the coming weeks. Hopefully Mother Nature will send rain soon.
Lake Water Levels | Richmond Park Drive Update
Posted 06/30/16
I have been in contact with the foreman of the Richmond Park Drive construction project. Based on their construction schedule, with no weather delays, the level of the lakes should begin to increase around July 9th.
Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July.
Richmond Park Drive Closure
Posted 06/20/2016
Richmond Park Dr. will be closed from June 20, 2016 through July 22, 2016. The repairs that were made to the culverts / Richmond Park Drive previously were unsatisfactory. Please note that the water level of the main lake system will be lowered to assist in the repairs. I hope the Richmond Park Drive closure does not cause you any problems.
Have a GREAT Summer!
Help Stop Community Blight
Posted 06/01/16
View Document: Stop Community Blight
Restoration of Lake #6
Posted 05/31/2016
Good Morning. Hope you all had a Great Memorial Day weekend.
The POA has contracted with Shaw Tree Company for the restoration of Lake #6. Lake #6 is located on the east side of Richmond Dr, across from Hole #3 of the golf course.
Work is scheduled to begin June 2 and last 3 to 4 days. There should be little to no interruption in the flow of traffic. Please take care in this area!
Windsor Parke Property Owners Association Responsibilities
Posted 04/26/2016
Neighborhood Watch Announcement:
Posted 12/08/2014
Hi Neighbors:
It was brought to my attention by Klaus Holze and Ernie Medina that in our neighboring community of Danforth a few days ago, there were several robberies. The thieves apparently broke into several locked cars parked in driveways, and using their garage door openers, got into the garages and homes and stole several items. One of the cars was also stolen.
Unfortunately we must always keep our eyes and ears open for anything unusual happening in our neighborhood. We can never let our guards down. Please don’t leave anything of importance in cars and always remember to keep garage doors down
Let’s be safe this holiday season
News Documents:
Click the links below to view the documents.
Architecture Review Committee (ARC) Proposal Letter