City Services

The City of Jacksonville has one number to address all your needs: 904-630-CITY or visit on the web.

Standard Services

  • Trash Collection, Curbside Recycling and Yard Waste – For City of Jacksonville waste guidelines and collection days click here.
  • Law Enforcement — Windsor park is under the jurisdiction of the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office. They can be reached for non-emergency situations by calling 630-0500. Never dial 911 unless you have a genuine emergency.
  • Traffic Enforcement — the Jacksonville Sheriff’s office will respond to complaints regarding chronic speeding on an as available basis. We are in zone 3, division H. You will need to contract the traffic division to set up surveillance.
  • Pets — Jacksonville ordinance prohibits free roaming pets, there is a leash law, and an ordinance where pet owners must clean up after their pet. To find out more click here.
  • Nuisance Wildlife — are generally considered to problem of the landowner where the animals are found. You can call 630-CITY and they will connect you to the appropriate authority. Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission has jurisdiction over wildlife. They will probably recommend a state license trapper — you will be responsible for fees.
  • Street Lights – are the responsibility of the Jacksonville Electric Authority. If a street light is out, contact JEA at their contact JEA web page or their repair page.
  • Water Restrictions – All residents are bound by guidelines set by the St. Johns River Water Management District in regards to watering your lawn. For further information, visit the St. Johns Water Management District site.